segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2008

Vocabulary learning tips.

As a student, as long as I remember, it's always been a pleasure for me learning new vocabulary. Therefore I used to have a notebook in which I took notes of every single new word I learned and tried to draw and, sometimes write sentences my teacher metioned in order to fix the new expression.
Organising these words into groups came as an idea later on. First I just took notes of them disorganasedly, after some time, and realising these words came from different word groups (e.g.: adjectives, verbs, adverbs, nouns, etc) I tried separating parts of my notebook for each of these and, as time went by I had quite a considerable glossary with the exporessions I'd seen in class.
This technique helped me a lot revising before my tests and also on the following semesters as I used to keep these notebook for years on.
There are other techinques we can use to help us learn new vocabulary, I hope you've enjoyed this one, I promiss I'll bring you more!


5 comentários:

Ana Maria Menezes disse...

Dear Luiz Fernando,

So we have your second post. Organizing vocabulary is surely an effective strategy. As a student I wasn´t that organized but I did somethings which now I feel helped me. I wrote every new word the teacher wrote on the board in my notebook and then every time I had to do a writing I revised my notes and tried to use as many new words as I could. Another thing I did was read a lot in English and always have a look at my book and notebook a few minutes before my English class. Well, I guess it helped!


Luis Fernando disse...

Yes Ana!Trying to use the new words is also great to fix them. I was always trying to fit them into conversation. Trying to find phrases in which I could use them!That's another excellent suggestion!

Luis F.C. Pinto

Dennis disse...

Oí, Luis Fernando.

I think keeping a notebook is an excellent strategy for increasing knowledge of vocabulary in an additional language. I think this strategy is particularly valuable when the notebook is organized (for example, by part of speech). In addition, it's always good to keep lists of idioms and set phrases because they're often impossible to translate directly.

But you and Ana Maria also make a very good point when you say that trying to use new words is also important. English teachers often use the following phrase when they are talking to their students about new vocabulary: "Use it or lose it."

I'm impressed with your current level of English proficiency and wish you the best of luck as you continue with your studies.

I look forward to reading more entries in your blog.

Dennis in Phoenix

Luis Fernando disse...


It's great hearing from you. Ana told me you've been helping her a lot! Well, it's always nice to get advice from experienced teachers!

Thank you very much for the comment and keep in touch!

Dennis disse...

Hi again, Luis Fernando.

Ana is very kind. Actually, I don't know of a single thing I've done to help her, but I could tell you many, many things she's done to impress me and inspire me! You're lucky to have a connection to her!

You're entirely welcome for the comment. It was 100% do corazão.

I'll definitely keep in touch, and I'll also look forward to reading more postings in your blog.

All the best—

Dennis in Phoenix